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movie review update for elysium . . . .

i have been guilted into giving an updated review to elysium.  my wife is very concerned that if Matt Damon or Jody Foster were to see my review of their new film they wouldn’t understand that it wasn’t their acting that made my review so . . . oh i don’t know . . . underwhelming . . . but rather how the story unfolds.

so . . . . Jody Foster and Matt Damon.  should you stumble onto my humble bloggings while desperately searching out reviews for your recent release – please know and understand i thought your acting was wonderful.  i mean matt…..come on man.  right on just as always.  you know i love you man.  and jody….your portrayal of the uncaring protect the rich at all cost power hungry i would rather be president secretary of defense Rumsfeld …… errrrrrr ……. Delacourt wast spot on.  well done indeed.

my wife was also very concerned that the reader wouldn’t know or understand why my review was “as it was”.  i told her i am not in the game to explain why.  of course i am now going to tell you why.   i think we know who rules the roost at mi casa.

updated review for elysium.

jody foster and matt damon –  good job!

special effects – awesome.

story – slow moving – full of holes – unexplained situations – drags on – i caught myself looking at my watch thinking ehhhhh……it could be over now and i could go get a beer.

verdict:  ehhhhhhh…….it could be better.  if you have to watch it at the theater watch it at a theater that serves beer.  time won’t drag as much that way.


there.  happy honey?